
Ensure thatTelegram.Bots.Extensions.Pollingpackage is installed. See Installation.

Successful polling requires an implementation of IUpdateHandler so we will first address that with an example:

using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Telegram.Bots.Extensions.Polling;
using Telegram.Bots.Requests;
using Telegram.Bots.Types;

namespace Telegram.Bots.Example
  public class UpdateHandler : IUpdateHandler
    public Task HandleAsync(IBotClient bot, Update update, CancellationToken token)
      return update switch
        MessageUpdate u when u.Data is TextMessage message => Echo(message),
        _ => Task.CompletedTask

      Task Echo(TextMessage message) =>
        bot.HandleAsync(new SendText(message.Chat.Id, message.Text), token);

Now that an IUpdateHandler exists, we can create a .NET Core console application with the bot client and polling configured as such:

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Telegram.Bots.Extensions.Polling;

namespace Telegram.Bots.Example
  public static class Program
    public static Task Main() => new HostBuilder()
      .ConfigureServices((context, services) =>

Run it and try sending a message to the bot.

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